Vincenzo Marsiglia is a multifaceted author: it starts from the stylistic unity of a simple graphic symbol,,it,If you continue to browse on this site you will accept the use of these cookies,,it, almost primitive, which is declined by more and different techniques, becoming almost an iconic excuse to experience the surrounding and all its possibilities.
Digital Antica – Villa Nobel Sanremo
Digital Antica
with the collaboration OCRASUNSET, aka Simone Boffa: an interactive digital, a visual pattern that will take place on the façade of Villa Nobel, integrating in a single work gesture, sign and sound, thanks to the live sound performance by OCRASUNSET with music created by himself.
Villa Nobel – Sanremo
14 September – 27 October 2019
edited by Livia and Matteo Galbiati Savorelli
Premio Arteam Cup 2019
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